Katarzyna Dudziak
Born in 1984, Gliwice, Poland
Resides in Leipzig, Germany

performer/actress, Gardzienice Center for Theater Practices (Ośrodek Praktyk Teatralnych Gardzienice), Gardzienice, Poland
2018-2019, Laboratory o
f Theatrical Pedagogy, Theater of Zagłębie, Sosnowiec
2003-2008, Philosophy, Anthropology and
Aesthetics, University of Silesia, Katowice Poland

Selected Exhibitions
2024-2025, UNSUPERVISED, Group exhibition in Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art, Project room, Berlin, Germany
2024, Mural "All is full of love", Berlin
2023, White-Red-White, Group exhibition in Museum of Independent Belarus, Warsaw
2023, White-Red-White,
Group exhibition by National Centrum of Culture Warsaw, Poland
2018, Ulicznicy, Group post-competition exhibition, Centre of Culture Victoria, Gliwice, Poland
2016, Yiddish far alle, “Identity”, Group exhibition in Holokausthus Oslo, Oslo, Norway
2015, Yiddish far alle, “Identity”, Group exhibition in Synagoga pod białym bocianem, Wrocław, Poland

2023 Special mention and group exhibition by National Centre of Culture in competition “Red-White-Red”, Warsaw, Poland
2022, 3
rd prize at “Nowa Tradycja. Folk Festiwal of Polish National Radio”, with Hajda Banda,
Warsaw, Poland
2021 finalist, Folk Fonogram of the year by Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2021, 2
nd prize at “Nowa Tradycja, Folk Festiwal of Polish National Radio”, with Rube Świnie,
Warsaw Poland
2021, special me
ntion for video project “Pieśni Cieśli” during project expo by National Center of
Culture (NCK),
Warsaw, Poland
2019 special mention, with Krzikopa, Premio Andrea Parodi, Cagliari, Italy
2019 finalist, Folk Fonogram of the year by Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2019, 3
rd prize at “Nowa Tradycja, Folk Festiwal of Polish National Radio””, with Krzikopa, Warsaw Poland
2019, 1
st prize and contract with Polish National Radio for reinventing the series: The Sources of Polish Traditional Music, Warsaw, Poland
2017 2nd award at the 3rd True Musicians Tournament in the category of soloists and vocalists, Szczecin, Poland
2017 Special Mention and the Audience Award in the competition „Chance for an Oscar in Lower Silesia” in the solo singer category, Wrocław, Poland

2024, resident of FRESH A.I.R., Stiftungleben Berlin, Urban Nation Museum of Contemporary Urban Art, Berlin, Germany
2015, resident, Yiddish far Alle! of Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem, Wrocław, Poland
2013, resident, Yiddish far Alle! of Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem, Wrocław, Poland

2024, scholarship holder of 
FRESH A.I.R., Stiftungleben Berlin, Urban Nation Museum of Contemporary Urban Art, Berlin, Germany
2020, scholarship of polish Ministry of Culture, interactive, web project „Nocne podróże” (Journey by the night) – interdiciplinary mixture of illustration, storyteling, games, and music based on traditional Silesian folklore
2016-2017, Scholarship at Háskóli Íslands, Norway grants, main topic of study: Art of gamification, gamificaion of art, Reykjavik, Iceland
2007-2008, Erasmus Scholarship at Universität Wien, Erasmus, main topics of study: Esthetics in Deleuze and Guattari, Analitic Interpretations of Nietzsche, Philosophy of mind, Wien, Austria

Selected Press & Publications
2024, Illustrations, text and image layout, "Skoko wróbel po desce", National Centre of Culture and Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland []
2024, Music album, Illustrations and music, Rube Świnie, "Płyta CD" LP, Katowice, Poland 
2024, Article, "Okna na Południe" (Windows to the south), Zupełnie inny Świat #54 (9/2024), Warsaw,Poland
2023, Music album, Illustrations and music, Hajda Banda, “Hajda!” LP, Warsaw, Poland
2022, About Krzikopa and discovering Silesian traditions, Radio TOK FM [,O-zespole-Krzikopa-i-odkrywaniu-slaskiej-muzyki-ludowej]
2022, Illustration
s, “Ciacze raczeńka”, Hajda Banda, Warsaw, Poland
2021, Interview, “New polish traditional music”, Culture pl []
2021, Illustrations, Muzyka Źródeł vol. 34 - Waleria Żarnoch, The Sources of Polish Traditional Music, Music Agency of Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2021, Article, Archive of Silesian Traditional Music, Warsaw, Poland []
2021, Illustrations,
Muzyka Źródeł vol. 34Waleria Żarnoch The Sources of Polish Traditional Music, Music Agency of Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2020-2022, Video, Screenplay and music, “Pieśni Cieśli” – one hundret episodes about traditional Polish music from Silesia, Centre of Culture in Suszec, Poland
2020, “Śląskie Powstaje, Krzikopa w Jedynce” (Silesia Up-rises, Krzikopa at the scene of Program one), Radio Programme 1 of Polish National Radio [] , Warsaw, Poland
2020, Illustrations, Muzyka Źródeł vol. 33 - Józef Zaraś z Nieznamierowic,
The Sources of Polish Traditional Music, Music Agency of Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2020, Music album, Krzikopa, “Śląskie Powstaje” LP, Katowice, Poland
2019, Illustrations, Muzyka Źródeł vol. 32 Ród Karpieli, The Sources of Polish Traditional Music, Music Agency of Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2019, Music album, Pokrzyk, “Pokrzyk” EP, Krakow, Poland
2018, Illustrations,
„Moja knapicka” – Piotr Brzenczek, OM Studio, Poland
2018, Music album, „Krzikopa” LP, Krzikopa, Katowice, Poland
2016, co-author of screenplay, „Waloszki z górniczego świata”, Dzika muzyka, Telewizja Polska, Warsaw
2016, Music album, „Backwoods EP”, Krzikopa, Katowice, Poland

Professional contribution
2024, Mural "All is full of love", Bülow street art festival, Bülowstraße 97, Berlin
2018-2019, Co-author and co-host of radio column “Muzyczne Źródełko”, Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
2021, Author and performer of Musical guided tour in Silesian Museum, Katowice, Poland
2020, Author of radio column,
host, Radio Klang, Chorzów, Poland
2014-2020 Co-founder, animator, illustrator and festival coordinator in “Śląsk Folkowy”, Katowice, Poland

My works are part of collections of:
Natonial Centre of Culture (NCK), Warsaw, Poland
Museum of Independent Belarus, Warsaw, Poland
Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem, Wrocław, Poland
Polish National Radio, Warsaw, Poland
also as numerous private collections